Friday, December 17, 2010

Superheros Do Exist!

superhero is a type of character or person possessing "extraordinary or superhuman powers" and dedicated to protecting the public and has some visual characteristic (typically an outfit) that makes him/her identifiable. Below is a story of a superhero group that you can be a part of.
It all started by accident.  In 1985, Mexico City experienced an 8.1 magnitude earthquake with a 7.5
magnitude aftershock following 36 hours later. Untrained, spontaneous volunteers saved 800 people. However, over 100 of these volunteers lost their lives while attempting to save others. This is a high price to pay and is preventable with training. That's why in 1994, the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) adopted a training program called Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and began to promote this program nationwide. FEMA offers this program to anyone interested in learning how to prepare themselves for a disaster. 
After an earthquake, it is expected that for three days or longer citizens will be on their own for foodwater, shelterand medical aid. The first responders will be overwhelmed with calls for help to assist people trapped in buildings or injured by the earthquake and to respond to other emergency calls for assistance. Will you know what to do to help yourself, your family and your neighbors in the event no one is available to help you? This CERT training can provide you with the necessary knowledge to help. CERT training informs citizens about what to expect following a disaster. Through CERT training, FEMA's programs provide information to citizens about being prepared to handle disasters and how to reduce the risk of hazards in and around the home. CERT teaches disaster preparedness. CERT also teaches life saving skills, with emphasis on decision making, rescuer safety and doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Life saving skills include first aid, sizing up hazards, fire suppression and light search and rescue. Finally, CERT teaches how to organize teams so that they are an extension of the first responder services offering immediate help to victims until fire and medical services arrive.

If you know a superhero on the CERT team, you can help them with a gift.
How Do I Sign Up? 
To sign up for these courses, please visit the State CERT locater page and find your local CERT program from the list.

And if you live in my area... For more information on San Benito County CERT, please contact Brad Klemek at 831-809-9046 or email at

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