Friday, December 16, 2011

The winter holidays are a time for celebration, and that means more cooking, home decorating, entertaining, and an increased risk of fire and accidents. SSPD recommends that you follow these guidelines to help make your holiday season safer and more enjoyable.

Holiday Lighting

•Use caution with holiday decorations and, whenever possible, choose those made with flame-resistant, flame-retardant and non-combustible materials.

•Keep candles away from decorations and other combustible materials, and do not use candles to decorate Christmas trees.

•Carefully inspect new and previously used light strings, and replace damaged items before plugging lights in. Do not overload extension cords.

•Don't mount lights in any way that can damage the cord's wire insulation. To hold lights in place, string them through hooks or insulated staples--don't use nails or tacks. Never pull or tug lights to remove them.

•Keep children and pets away from light strings and electrical decoration

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