Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tues. May 10th Webinar on Disaster Training Opportunities for Public


Zachary T. DeVoe
Preparedness Representative
Sales and Marketing

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From: "FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)" <fema@service.govdelivery.com>
Date: May 5, 2011 2:32:21 PM PDT
To: firsttrustindustries@yahoo.com
Subject: Tues. May 10th Webinar on Disaster Training Opportunities for Public
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The Community Preparedness Webinar Series presents..

Disaster Training Opportunities Available to the Public

Join us Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 2 p.m. EDT/1 CDT/12 MDT/11 PST

http://1.usa.gov/ihy6Yt" title="CitizenCorps.gov | Disaster Traning Opportunities to the Public">CLICK HERE TO FOR MORE INFO AND TO ACCESS THE WEBINAR

In times of disaster, a trained and informed public is better prepared to protect themselves, their families, their workplace and their neighbors. This webinar will showcase several disaster training resources that are available in communities across the nation. FEMA recognizes that it takes a “whole community” approach to meet the needs of the public before, during and after a disaster. Learn how your community can train and educate its citizens to be better prepared and involved in your community’s disaster response and recovery efforts.

Join us for brief presentations by representatives from the American Red Cross, the Community Emergency Response Team program, ARRL National Association for Amateur Radio (Ham Radio operators), Medical Reserve Corps, Meals on Wheels, HandsOn Network, Fire Corps, USAonWatch Neighborhood Watch program, Volunteers in Police Service, SkyWarn and more!


The National Office of Citizen Corps

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FEMA · U.S. Department of Homeland Security · Washington, DC 20472