Monday, December 20, 2010

During the rainy season we are all set back by the gloom that travels with bad weather. The gray clouds and the continuous drip of rain form a sound, kind of like a hum, in the back of your head. That low hum can draw you into a lazy and slow mood. You look around out your window, looking for the ray of sun, only to be reassured that the sun is still missing and the hope of the sun light to drown out the sound must wait. The weather has a tremendous effect on us and long bouts of gray, rain soaked skies can depress the most cheerful of people. Are you having trouble with the rain? Are you normally a cheerful person and the rain gets you down? I understand. It is not fun having your parade rained out. I mean we all know that the earth needs rain. We need rain in many ways. Rain is actually a very good gift to us. It is common. We all need it. So why are we so bummed when it rains? What is it about raining that makes you sad?

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