Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Local Weather

Weather Alert!

Do You Commute? What do you have in your car right now that will help you if you get stuck?

If you live in the San Fransisco Bay and Monterrey Bay area I have some news for you. The weather this year is not playing nice. Persons around these areas should be prepared for the next wave of storms.  I want to urge you to set an example for the rest of the country. California is the trend setter for almost everything this county does. Set a new trend by being the most prepared drivers in the country.

Due to the likely hood of strong winds in the area during this upcoming storm, power outages are a possibility. Refresh the batteries in your flashlight. If you have trouble remembering to replace your batteries I suggest you  keep that hand crank flashlight near you at all times.

In addition, small streams and water channels will be flowing high. You might want to expect some roads to close. Keep your car filled with fuel. Pack in your car some extra clothing, special protection  and food in case you are stranded. Do not leave the house without first making sure you are ready for the worst. The weather this year is surprising many people.

Having an emergency preparedness kit in your car will give you the advantage you need to make your travel more comfortable in the case of an emergency. I pray that nobody will get into a bad situation, but if you do, it will be better to be prepared, right? Be the trend setter in your family. Buy yourself a kit. Check out the 10* Below Zero Road Warrior Deluxe Kit priced at 52% off the normal asking price. At this price you can get another kit for a loved one. Better yet get one for every car you drive or ride in.

With the level of technology out there, we really have no excuse to be caught off guard. If you are not connected to the weather alert systems in your area I suggest you click the link here - ( and get connected.

Thank you for reading.
First Trust Industries, Inc. wants to help you be safe with low prices on the items you need most.

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