Saturday, January 29, 2011

Winners announced in 23 days.

Visit Our Store
For Real Low Prices On Emergency Disaster Survival Supplies
Read the Challenge Submissions and look for the winners in 23 days. 

Monday, January 24, 2011

How is your school reacting?

With younger people taking to gangs and violence spreading into our schools, are you sure you are leaving you kids in a safe environment when you drop them off at school? Here is one school that is no longer sitting back and wondering what to do.

How is your school reacting?

With younger people taking to gangs and violence spreading into our schools, are you sure you are leaving you kids in a safe environment when you drop them off at school? Here is one school that is no longer sitting back and wondering what to do.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Keep Your Alarm Working

Alarm manuals all listed in one place. Download your copy and reestablish your relationship with your security system.

Keep Your Alarm Working

Alarm manuals all listed in one place. Download your copy and reestablish your relationship with your security system.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flash Floods: The new trend in weather?

Flash Flooding (Sources: U.S. Geological Survey and Science Daily) Flash flooding, one of the biggest causes of natural hazard-related deaths in the United States, is difficult to predict according to the" target="_blank">U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Flash flooding happens when intense thunderstorms dump large quantities of rain into steep or urban watersheds in a short period of time. Because of the flash flooding that has occurred in the United States and other nations, the" target="_blank">Emergency Management and Response—Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EMR-ISAC) examined the article by" target="_blank">Science Daily, which indicated that data collected by the USGS is crucial to formulating better predictive models. “These models are needed by forecasters and emergency responders to warn the public and improve planning, in order to minimize the impacts of future floods.” The USGS recently released a new service, called “" target="_blank">WaterAlert.” It allows users to receive text or e-mail updates about specific river flows, groundwater levels, water temperatures, rainfall, and water quality at any of the sites where USGS collects real-time water information. “WaterAlert” helps inform emergency managers and responders about current water conditions, such as flooding, so that they can take appropriate actions. Additionally, the USGA operates approximately 7,500 streamgages as part of the National Streamflow Information Program, which provides emergency personnel and the public with long term, accurate, and unbiased information on streamflow in real-time.

Flash Floods: The new trend in weather?

Flash Flooding

(Sources: U.S. Geological Survey and Science Daily)

Flash flooding, one of the biggest causes of natural hazard-related deaths in the United States, is difficult to predict according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Flash flooding happens when intense thunderstorms dump large quantities of rain into steep or urban watersheds in a short period of time.

Because of the flash flooding that has occurred in the United States and other nations, the Emergency Management and Response—Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EMR-ISAC) examined the article by Science Daily, which indicated that data collected by the USGS is crucial to formulating better predictive models. “These models are needed by forecasters and emergency responders to warn the public and improve planning, in order to minimize the impacts of future floods.”

The USGS recently released a new service, called “WaterAlert.” It allows users to receive text or e-mail updates about specific river flows, groundwater levels, water temperatures, rainfall, and water quality at any of the sites where USGS collects real-time water information. “WaterAlert” helps inform emergency managers and responders about current water conditions, such as flooding, so that they can take appropriate actions.

Additionally, the USGA operates approximately 7,500 streamgages as part of the National Streamflow Information Program, which provides emergency personnel and the public with long term, accurate, and unbiased information on streamflow in real-time.


Include at least one complete change of clothing and footwear per person in your emergency supply kit. We suggest long pants and long sleeves for additional protection after a disaster.
Include at least one complete change of clothing and footwear per person in your emergency supply kit. We suggest long pants and long sleeves for additional protection after a disaster.

Untitled This link may bring your online company a great new benefit. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain. It will soon be possible for the you to shop online with cash! Get your company listed as a PayBox supporter. -Zach This link may bring your online company a great new benefit. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain. It will soon be possible for the you to shop online with cash! Get your company listed as a PayBox supporter. -Zach

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Disaster Readiness is Better Than Insurance

Purchase a decent survival kit for as low as $25.00 and have real disaster insurance on your life for the next five years. First Trust Industries on Facebook or go to our home page at www.firsttrustindustries and start shopping for low cost emergency kits.

Disaster Readiness is Better Than Insurance

Purchase a decent survival kit for as low as $25.00 and have real disaster insurance on your life for the next five years. First Trust Industries on Facebook or go to our home page at www.firsttrustindustries and start shopping for low cost emergency kits.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Happiness For Dog Owners!There is nothing better than to wake up with good news. Especially when it has to do with our animals. If you are in or around Hollister,CA. your dogs will soon have a place to call their own. The Hollister Dog Owners Group (HDOG) just announced that "the plans to install a dog park will begin to move forward. More details to come!" Why is First Trust Industries interested in this? Because our animals are part of our life. We care for them as we do our own family. Now we may soon have a SAFE PLACE TO PLAY!! And FTI is all about ":Safety First." we encourage you to remember your pets deserve to the best you can give and Hollister residence deserve a little help in keeping the pets in the family safe and happy. Click this link to visit HDOG Facebook page- Click this link to get safety supplies for your dog.- Have a great weekend.-FTI
Happiness For Dog Owners!There is nothing better than to wake up with good news. Especially when it has to do with our animals. If you are in or around Hollister,CA. your dogs will soon have a place to call their own. The Hollister Dog Owners Group (HDOG) just announced that "the plans to install a dog park will begin to move forward. More details to come!" Why is First Trust Industries interested in this? Because our animals are part of our life. We care for them as we do our own family. Now we may soon have a SAFE PLACE TO PLAY!! And FTI is all about ":Safety First." we encourage you to remember your pets deserve to the best you can give and Hollister residence deserve a little help in keeping the pets in the family safe and happy. Click this link to visit HDOG Facebook page- Click this link to get safety supplies for your dog.- Have a great weekend.-FTI

FEMA Blog: Craig's Corner

The link below is a very good bit of information. I close the day with this.

FEMA Blog: Craig's Corner

The link below is a very good bit of information. I close the day with this.

Friday, January 14, 2011


I have spent the last 20 minutes looking on Google Shopping and comparing my products to the others and I am finding that I really do have the lowest prices even after shipping and tax is added. I want you to be ready. I have very low mark up and if you are a member of First Trust Alarm your prices drop even further (up to 15%). What is your reason for not being prepared?Come visit the store that is "Targeting Your Safety!" today.
I have spent the last 20 minutes looking on Google Shopping and comparing my products to the others and I am finding that I really do have the lowest prices even after shipping and tax is added. I want you to be ready. I have very low mark up and if you are a member of First Trust Alarm your prices drop even further (up to 15%). What is your reason for not being prepared?Come visit the store that is "Targeting Your Safety!" today.


First Trust IndustriesThis is a limited time offer.Bowman's First Trust Alarm Company has been providing alarm-monitoring and installation services to central coast area customers for over 25 years. "As a company, we constantly strive to be aware of our customers needs and expectations. As a result, we have opened the First Trust Industries Customer Store as a way to give back some appreciation to our FTA customers. We offer savings that are normally offered to wholesale/retail dealers only. We can do this to give more value to our monitored accounts." J. Bowman Jr. OwnerRegistration to the member site at will give you some great savings. For a limited time we are open to the public. Register now.
First Trust IndustriesThis is a limited time offer.Bowman's First Trust Alarm Company has been providing alarm-monitoring and installation services to central coast area customers for over 25 years. "As a company, we constantly strive to be aware of our customers needs and expectations. As a result, we have opened the First Trust Industries Customer Store as a way to give back some appreciation to our FTA customers. We offer savings that are normally offered to wholesale/retail dealers only. We can do this to give more value to our monitored accounts." J. Bowman Jr. OwnerRegistration to the member site at will give you some great savings. For a limited time we are open to the public. Register now.

Ready San Fransisco?

Your Mayor is a great advocate and still such a small percentage of city residents are truly prepared.

Ready San Fransisco?

Your Mayor is a great advocate and still such a small percentage of city residents are truly prepared.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Click this link to see how close this earthquake was to the most dangerous gas line on the PG&E top 100 list.


Two shakers in a row that strike really close to home. What else do you need to remind you that your NOT prepared. Visit now.

Copy Your Neighbors

There is nothing as bad a getting beat by a rival city. Lets all race to be ready.

Copy Your Neighbors

There is nothing as bad a getting beat by a rival city. Lets all race to be ready.

Are You Involved in This?

Children as young as 9 can participate and save lives with this training. Find out about CERT in your town.

Are You Involved in This?

Children as young as 9 can participate and save lives with this training. Find out about CERT in your town.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Safe Lights for Your Kit

After reading the whole article, I want to highlight three points. One: There is no fire danger. Two: Build a simple stand or use a vase to hold the light so you can use both hands. Three: Replace the batteries with higher grade rechargeable battery (the cheap nonchargeable battery that come in most of these solar lights are low grade and can only handle 200-300 recharges) Read this tip. Leave a comment. Come visit me at - Zach

Safe Lights for Your Kit

After reading the whole article, I want to highlight three points. One: There is no fire danger. Two: Build a simple stand or use a vase to hold the light so you can use both hands. Three: Replace the batteries with higher grade rechargeable battery (the cheap nonchargeable battery that come in most of these solar lights are low grade and can only handle 200-300 recharges) Read this tip. Leave a comment. Come visit me at - Zach

Amplify’d from

solar landscape lights photo co speakingecogreen com Let There Be Light—SafelyYou know those solar powered lights that you can buy to place along your walkway? They usually are sold in such a design that they can easily be staked into the ground.  Basically they are made with a small solar panel, a rechargeable battery (usually a really low end) and come in varying home décor styles. They charge up during the day while there is sun, and then they emit a modest amount of light for 6 to 10 hours at night depending on the strength of the rechargeable battery provided and how much sunlight was generating during the day. Most varieties also come with a small on/off switch.  Their prices range from $4 to $20 each. From a preparedness mindset having these for their intended use is a boon to a person’s home security, even in more trying social circumstances, but these can also easily be adapted for use in the home.

Another plus, the Fall and Winter seasons usually bring with them deep discounts on such items. So do a little internet searching for some great deals. Personally, thanks to some strategies of the Self-Reliance Revolution, I don’t believe I’ll pay a dime out-of-pocket for either the lamps or the rechargeable batteries.

Lastly, there may be some merit in you being able to use all of those smaller solar panels to accomplish some other critical uses in the future—of which I haven’t thought of yet; but I’m sure I will come up with an idea or two sometime in the middle of the night. And on that note, I’m going to sign off now before I approach a Martha Stewart type of personality and beam too brightly about this idea—yes, of course the pun was intended.  I do hope that you find this helpful in your preparedness efforts though.

By Kellene Bishop

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut - Get Ready!

The Great California Shakeout has grown to include the rest of the Country. Why? Because being prepared has reached a new level of concern. It is not just an earthquake related situation and being prepared on a national level is now becoming popular again. Any of you remember WWII? As a nation of United States, we can once again become a powerful nation in the global scope. Stop drifting away on your comfortable couch and ready your future for the worst.

The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut - Get Ready!

The Great California Shakeout has grown to include the rest of the Country. Why? Because being prepared has reached a new level of concern. It is not just an earthquake related situation and being prepared on a national level is now becoming popular again. Any of you remember WWII? As a nation of United States, we can once again become a powerful nation in the global scope. Stop drifting away on your comfortable couch and ready your future for the worst.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Hummer Club :: HOPE Program

If you drive a hummer and your not a part of this club, shame on you.

The Hummer Club :: HOPE Program

If you drive a hummer and your not a part of this club, shame on you.

Finally! A game you can be proud to let your children play.

I have not played this game yet, but you can be sure I will be soon.

Finally! A game you can be proud to let your children play.

I have not played this game yet, but you can be sure I will be soon.

The Day the Earth Shook is a new video game to teach young people about earthquake & emergency preparedness. It is free & fun. Get it here!

A new video game provides a fun way for young people to learn about emergency preparedness and earthquake safety. The video game, entitled “The Day the Earth Shook,” helps players learn about items needed for a disaster preparedness kit, as well as safe and dangerous locations in a home when an earthquake occurs. Once players successfully complete the game for the first time, they can replay it for scores that would land them on the leader board. The video game can be downloaded from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.

See more at

Wednesday, January 5, 2011



Emergency Water Filter

Emergency Water Filter

Some News Never Gets Old

The message has been around for all of recorded history. "GET READY FOR THE COMING DISASTER" was a common thread in the Bible and on the walls of the Pyramids of ancient Egypt. Whit thousands of years to prepare, only 12% of the population in the United States are ready. What will it take for you to stop putting this advice on the back burner? Here is a great article for you to examine.

Some News Never Gets Old

The message has been around for all of recorded history. "GET READY FOR THE COMING DISASTER" was a common thread in the Bible and on the walls of the Pyramids of ancient Egypt. Whit thousands of years to prepare, only 12% of the population in the United States are ready. What will it take for you to stop putting this advice on the back burner? Here is a great article for you to examine.

Amplify’d from

5 Steps to Get Ready for Disaster (Not Stuck in It)

December 18, 2009 3:08 AM

* Evacuation

If it becomes necessary to leave your home, there may be little advance notice. Determine ahead of time what to bring, where to go and how to get there. Create a backup plan in case your primary route or destination becomes unworkable. Then, practice: Make sure everyone in the family knows the location of rendezvous sites. Keep at least a half-tank of gas in your car­, and keep weather-resistant clothing and sturdy shoes handy.

* Health

When assembling a disaster kit (see foldout checklist), include both general medical items (bandages, antiseptic, etc.) and up-to-date supplies of prescription medications. Also, keep baby formula available and personal hygiene items such as sanitary napkins and toilet paper in waterproof containers.

* Documents

Keep copies of important paperwork in three places: your grab-and-go bag, a safe-deposit box and with a friend or family member in a different location. Include identification cards, insurance documents, marriage certificates, property deeds, prescriptions and pictures of family members to show to first responders in case anyone gets lost.

* Communication

Keep a card with an updated list of family contact info in your wallet at all times. (Don't rely exclusively on a cellphone's contact list; you may not be able to recharge the phone.) Make sure every family member carries the number of a point person at least 50 miles away in case local telecommunications fail. This creates a hub-and-spoke system: If family members can't talk to each other, they can coordinate through the third party.

* Technology

If you have tax records or other personal information stored on your computer, keep regular backups in an out-of-town location or archive to an Internet service such as Consider maintaining a landline and corded phone to supplement cordless, cellular or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephones, which all rely on the electrical grid. (Telephone landlines carry their own current.) Keep a battery- or crank-powered NOAA radio on hand for weather information and news updates -- these can become lifesavers if you lose access to television and Internet sources of information during a disaster.

* Risk Assessment

Are you in a Danger Zone? Natural threats vary by region, but no area is immune from all disasters. Hazard maps available on FEMA's Web site break down the frequency of several types of disasters on a state and local level. Take such information into account in your planning. If you live in a flood or earthquake zone, insure your property accordingly.

By Glenn Derene


Monday, January 3, 2011

Make the plan a reality.

Water, food, first-aid, and shelter all in one small pack.

The Smart Kit

Kit Includes:

1 - The Smart Bag
1 - 2400 Calorie Food Bar
6 - 4.25oz. Water Pouches
1 - Plastic Whistle w/lanyard
1 - 12 Hour Light Stick
2 - Adhesive Tape
1 - Hydrogen Peroxide
1 - Ace Bandage
1 - AMA 35 Page First Aid Guide
20 - Single Plastic Bandages
1 - Fingertip bandage
1 - Knuckle Bandage
2 - 2x3 Patch Bandage
2 - Eye Pads
2 - Single Blistex
4 - Non Aspirin
4 - Alcohol Wipes
2 - Burn Free
1 - Insect Sting Relief (Single)
1 - 2oz. Hand Sanitizer
1 - Doctors Penlight
1 - Mayday Large Solar Blanket
2 - Waterproof Tape
4 - 2x2 Sterile Gauze Pads
2 - 3x3 Sterile Gauze Pads
2 - 4x4 Sterile Gauze Pads

Keep Your Alarm Working

Alarm manuals all listed in one place. Download your copy and reestablish your relationship with your security system.

Keep Your Alarm Working

Alarm manuals all listed in one place. Download your copy and reestablish your relationship with your security system.

Amplify’d from
First Trust Alarm

Troubleshooting: Security Alarms

Are you having problems remembering how to use your alarm system? Want to know how to change user codes, how to bypass zones, or what the trouble light means? Before you call for service, check if the answer to your question is here.

Download User Manuals

Just click on the picture below that looks like your keypad and you will begin downloading a PDF user manual.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolution For All of U.S.

Like a wave washing out the sand, time goes by. The picture will change in an instant.

Resolution For All of U.S.

Like a wave washing out the sand, time goes by. The picture will change in an instant.

Amplify’d from
As 2010 washes away, we need to resolve to be serious about the condition of our country and become a people that obey the rules of safety. Become proactive and stop turning the other way when your fellow citizens are costing you a better quality of life. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING! Tell the person to be considerate of your tax dollars. Can you imagine how much money our country would save if there was just one day where no crime was committed, no accidents happened on the road, and police made no arrests? I am sure the numbers are staggering.


Thank you for reading.

Targeting Your Safety!
Zachary T. DeVoe
See more at