Sunday, April 10, 2011

8 Failure Avoidance Strategies for Every

8 Failure Avoidance Strategies for Every Startup

Every startup mentor has his favorite list of basic strategies to avoid pitfalls, and I’m no exception. If my experience and insights can save just one founder from the stress, lost time, and lost money associated with a startup misstep, then I’m a happy man. I offer these pragmatic recommendations:

3. Reign-in expenses. The most important task of a startup CEO is to review every expense with a miserly hand BEFORE the money flows out. Do not delegate this task! Barter services and use equity to get things done for minimum cash. Make every effort to do things “in house”, rather than rely on outside services, accountants, and law firms.

Martin Zwilling is the founder and chief executive officer of Startup Professionals, a company that provides products and services to start-up founders and small business owners. Read more about Marty here.

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