Monday, June 13, 2011

Always Have An Extinguisher...

The control of fire by early humans was a turning point in human cultural evolution that allowed humans to proliferate by cooking food, and by finding warmth and protection. Fire also allowed the expansion of human activity into the colder hours of the night (or colder climates in general), and provided protection from predators and insects. However, with the benefits of fire came the necessity to put the fire out.
Always have a fire extinguisher... always know where it is and how to use it!


1 Where should a consumer install his or her fire extinguisher in the car?

All fire extinguishers should be mounted in the vehicle to prevent rolling, and potentially causing damage to the extinguisher or the interior of the vehicle. Plus, an unsecured fire extinguisher could cause injuries to the occupants of the vehicle. . However, here are some guidelines for consumers to follow.

All fire extinguishers should be mounted in the vehicle to prevent rolling, and potentially causing damage to the extinguisher or the interior of the vehicle. Plus, an unsecured fire extinguisher could cause injuries to the occupants of the vehicle. Each vehicle is different so there is not one place to mount your fire extinguisher. However, here are some guidelines for consumers to follow.

The extinguisher should be visible and easy to reach. Mount the bracket on a strong, stable surface, sloping, vertical or horizontal position. The most common places to mount a fire extinguisher are in front of and behind the seat.

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