Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Did You Feel That?

In business you want to make sure that you are up to date on the latest trends in your field. One of the only industries in the world that does not have a specific date to plan for would be the earthquake preparedness business. It is so much easier to plan for something when you know when that something is going to occur. However, that is impossible in the case of the earth moving. So what is a business owner to do? The only really good resource I have is after the fact. Only AFTER an earthquake happens can I get the information that I need to target your safety in that area.

Below is a web site designed to inform us about the most current information regarding movements of the earth. One of the very most important parts of studying this phenomenon is getting the community to respond to the call: Did You Feel It? Please click into the web site's link and share what you felt.

Amplify’d from earthquake.usgs.gov

Earthquake Details

  • 28 km (18 miles) SW (226°) from Palm Springs, CA

  • Did you feel it?
    Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.

Read more at earthquake.usgs.gov

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