Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Spending to Save? Does this "make cents"?

The following clips claim that for every dollar we spend on prevention we save four dollars on recovery. That is a good return on investment. I sell preparedness supplies so naturally I want to agree. I want you to believe that it really is a good investment to prepare ahead of time. Does this "make cents" to you?

After you read the clips, please give a comment. Answer the question and let us know what you think, please.

Amplify’d from amplify.com

"An ounce of prevention today can spare communities a world of hurt tomorrow," said Donovan. "We're making a serious investment in our future by making certain that when disaster strikes, the impacted communities in these states can weather the storm."

Disaster mitigation, like those that qualify for funding through the DREF, are a sound investment. According to an independent study by the National Institute of Building Sciences, every dollar spent on disaster mitigation activities saves taxpayers $4 in future disaster recovery expenses. The 13 states that received funding through the DREF invested nearly $876 million in disaster mitigation which translates into a total anticipated return on investment of more than $3.5 billion.

Read more at amplify.com

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