Friday, December 31, 2010


Ten years have passed since the Y2K bug died. Did the world come to an end as we know it? Maybe. Technology took us up with insurmountable measures and promised to improve the quality of life. Did it work? I don't think so. Ten years have passed and I do not know of any State, City or Town that is not suffering hard economic issues. This Country is falling apart at the very seams. The quality of our surroundings and the comforts of life have increased ten fold. Or has it? The infrastructure that our comfort ins built on is grumbling around us. The weather has literally KICKED our ass! World wide! We are fighting a dumb ass war when those men and women should be home fixing this country. I would would like to see our crime rate go down so bring those soldiers home and have them kick the fucking doors open on the criminal activity going on in this Country. Can you imagine a world without crime? I think the whole Country of U.S. America should give a resolution to have one calendar day

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