Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tottally FREE training.

Read this list of titles from FEMA below.

Then take a look at all the quality information that your government would like you to have by clicking the title that interests you most.

Be proactive. Get ready for learning what may be the most possible disaster in your area of knowledge. Be serious. If you live in a flood zone, prepare for a flood. Why wait there sitting on the couch and watching TV as your ass grows because your so sure someone will be there for you. Believe me, I was there with you a few months ago. Please. I love all my friends, and neighbors and so should you.

It's about time we became a strong nation of individually prepared community members.

Right here at FEMA, we have the best information available in the world. You can learn how you have the ability to be a better American and possibly save your own life as a result. How can that be a waste of time? How can that mean your paranoid? It means your taking the love of your fellow man seriously.

Learn About Free FEMA training.

Some classes may cost a little for materials. I have not read all the details, but I do know they want to train you for first response. FEMA believes that individual preparedness will strengthen our economy and our resiliency in disaster. It is obvious that we are living in a time when the earth is doing some furniture rearrangement. Not to mention Libya, Egypt, who else?? .... crap! the list is getting long.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Get The Potassium Iodine Facts sold out of this product in minutes. I have been telling you all that preparedness is a MUST DO action and now you know why. When the SHTF you are going to be out of luck. So come on, visit the website and order your kit before you are in a scramble.

Amplify’d from

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit group in Cambridge, Mass., the radioactive materials that pose the greatest threat after a nuclear power accident are radioactive iodine (the iodine-131 isotope, in particular) and radioactive cesium (cesium-137), and news reports have said both have been detected outside the plant.

Radioactive iodine is a byproduct of the fission (splitting) of the uranium in the fuel rods that power a nuclear power plant. Once radioactive iodine is in the body, it concentrates mainly in the thyroid gland, which is located in the neck, just below the Adam’s apple.  (See our related post on the thyroid gland and cancer from iodine-131.) But as a helpful fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains, the gland cannot tell the difference between radioactive iodine and the radioactively stable version of the mineral it needs, so it will absorb both.

Because KI contains so much stable iodine, the thyroid gland becomes “full” and cannot absorb any more iodine—either stable or radioactive—for the next 24 hours.

Large doses of iodine over a long period of time can be dangerous, so potassium iodide pills  should be reserved for true emergencies. (So far, no one is recommending that anyone in the United States take them, although people are apparently stocking up.)

Many varieties of table salt are  “iodized,’ which means iodine has been added. But iodized table salt doesn’t contain enough of the mineral to saturate the thyroid gland and keep it from absorbing radioactive iodine.


More About Potassium Iodine

After you read this important message, visit for your emergency supplies. Don't procrastinate any longer.

Amplify’d from

The small, butterfly-shaped thyroid sits just below the voice box. From this perch, it controls how fast every cell in the body changes food into energy. The gland’s main product, thyroid hormone, governs the function of the digestive tract, brain, heart, nerves, muscles, bones, skin, and more.

Iodine is a key ingredient that goes into making thyroid hormone. We get this element from ocean-caught or ocean-farmed fish and shellfish, milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, and fruits and vegetables grown in iodine-rich soil.

Iodine-131 gets into the body several ways. A person can breathe in radioactive steam released by a nuclear power plant. Fallout—radioactive particles that fall out of the atmosphere and settle onto plants, soil, and water—further adds to the burden when a person eats iodine-131 enriched fruits and vegetables or drinks water containing the isotope. Milk is another vehicle—cows that eat grass sprinkled with iodine-131 make milk that contains it.

As my colleague Peter Wehrwein describes in a related post, taking potassium iodide pills can help keep iodine-131 from taking up residence in the thyroid gland. The seafood-rich Japanese diet provides an abundance of iodine. Because the thyroid glands of those affected by fallout from the failing nuclear power plants may be “full” of natural iodine, iodine-131 may not be able to get into the gland, giving them natural protection against radiation-induced thyroid cancer.

Harvard Health Publications
See more at

Get The Potassium Iodine Facts

Let it be a lesson to you that wait for the last second to get prepared. Do not make the same mistake and and rush to get an evacuation Kit. Do it NOW. Read the link below to get the facts on Potassium Iodine then visit and GET A KIT!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Good night friends. Thanks for not getting pissed at all my posts. I will take a break just as soon as you all visit my website and buy a kit. If I loose you as a follower, that would be a shame, but I am dedicated to helping you THINK and take ACTION in the necessary steps to get prepared. GET A KIT! MAKE A PLAN! BE INFORMED! visit and get a great price on good equipment.

Living On The Deadly Fault

Are you in California? How well have you planned? Read this article and then visit to get your kit ordered before you need to wait in line at the Red Cross.

Amplify’d from
All About the San Andreas Fault
The San Andreas fault is a crack in the Earth's crust in California, some 1100 kilometers long. Many earthquakes have occurred along it, including famous ones in 1857, 1906 and 1989. It is the boundary between the North American and Pacific lithospheric plates. Geologists divide it into several segments, each with distinct behavior. A research project has drilled a deep hole into the fault to study the rock there and listen for earthquake signals. This page gives information on all these topics.
de image from US Ge
Geology Guide image from US Geological Survey map
The San Andreas fault is the foremost of a large set of faults along the plate boundary between the Pacific plate on the west and the North American plate on the east. The west side moves north, causing earthquakes as it moves. Over millions of years, it has brought very different sets of rocks to face each other across the fault trace. The forces associated with the fault have pushed up mountains in some places and stretched apart large basins in others. The mountains include the Coast Ranges and the Transverse Ranges, both of which consist of many smaller ranges. The basins include the Coachella Valley, the Carrizo Plain, the San Francisco Bay, the Napa Valley and many others. The California geologic map will show you more about those.

Friday, March 11, 2011

30 Preparedness Tips: Tip #1

Preparedness Tip #1

  • Take a moment to imagine that there is an emergency, like a fire in your home, and you need to leave quickly.  What are the best escape routes from your home?  Find at least two ways out of each room.  Now, write it down — you’ve got the beginning of a plan.

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For Real Low Prices On Emergency Disaster Survival Supplies

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Volcano II Collapsible Stoven w/Propane

Volcano II Collapsible Stoven w/Propane

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Dynamic Preparedness: Technology

Dynamic Preparedness: Technology: "Being prepared is more than just having the basics for life. Lights, cell phones, music, games and laptops all require a power source. It is..."

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