Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Get The Potassium Iodine Facts

www.firsttrustindustries.com sold out of this product in minutes. I have been telling you all that preparedness is a MUST DO action and now you know why. When the SHTF you are going to be out of luck. So come on, visit the website and order your kit before you are in a scramble.

Amplify’d from www.health.harvard.edu

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit group in Cambridge, Mass., the radioactive materials that pose the greatest threat after a nuclear power accident are radioactive iodine (the iodine-131 isotope, in particular) and radioactive cesium (cesium-137), and news reports have said both have been detected outside the plant.

Radioactive iodine is a byproduct of the fission (splitting) of the uranium in the fuel rods that power a nuclear power plant. Once radioactive iodine is in the body, it concentrates mainly in the thyroid gland, which is located in the neck, just below the Adam’s apple.  (See our related post on the thyroid gland and cancer from iodine-131.) But as a helpful fact sheet from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains, the gland cannot tell the difference between radioactive iodine and the radioactively stable version of the mineral it needs, so it will absorb both.

Because KI contains so much stable iodine, the thyroid gland becomes “full” and cannot absorb any more iodine—either stable or radioactive—for the next 24 hours.

Large doses of iodine over a long period of time can be dangerous, so potassium iodide pills  should be reserved for true emergencies. (So far, no one is recommending that anyone in the United States take them, although people are apparently stocking up.)

Many varieties of table salt are  “iodized,’ which means iodine has been added. But iodized table salt doesn’t contain enough of the mineral to saturate the thyroid gland and keep it from absorbing radioactive iodine.

Read more at www.health.harvard.edu

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